Kuwait For Palestine – Peaceful Gathering for Palestine in Kuwait #kuwaitforpalestine #kuwait #q8

July 16, 20143 Comments

Video by TJC Films

Thanks Timothy Carr, Lubna Saif Abbas and all volunteers for organizing  “Peaceful Gathering for Palestine in Kuwait”
Photographer : Usman Choudhry
Instagram : usman_choudhry


Message from Timothy Carr “Thank you to all who showed up. It was a great success. They let us do it in the Embassy parking lot. The police were impressed. And the Lieutenant Colonel from the ministry we had previously met with a couple times said it was “a very refined event and that the attendees behaved with class”. He shook our hand and said thank you for making a difference. There were a lot of news networks there both local and international as well as independent journalists. Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped and organized with us tonight and last night. Now people will see not only that Kuwait and the people here care but that if done properly the Kuwaiti Government will work with you. Thanks again.”


Thanks Timothy Carr Lubna Saif Abbas and all volunteers for organizing the “Peaceful Gathering for Palestine in Kuwait”. Someone asked me that how this protest can help Palestine ?
Oh my poor friend no one can help to anyone, It is Allah only who make you enable and bless you with power to help others, Just do what can you do for Palestine. Today, those guys did what they can out of their available sources by Allah and would be confident in the day of judgment, on question.

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Kuwait For Palestine – Peaceful Gathering for Palestine in Kuwait #kuwaitforpalestine #kuwait #q8 was last modified: by

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  1. heartily congrats for what you have done.. but how do i receive things happening over here in kuwait .. many of us unaware of all these gathering and all please let us know once you are co ordinate next time .. thank you so much to do something on behalf our brothers in palastine

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