Memorable Sunrise In Your Life 2020
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FQ8 announces their highly anticipated 8th “Memorable Sunrise in your life”, the world’s largest Sunrise Photo walk! The event is happens January- 01, every year in many cities all over
Event Details
FQ8 announces their highly anticipated 8th “Memorable Sunrise in your life”, the world’s largest Sunrise Photo walk! The event is happens January- 01, every year in many cities all over the world.
We at FQ8 want to have “Memorable Sunrise in your life” ,be it to be the world’s largest sunrise Photo walk event. Since the inaugural walk in 2013, it has grown immensely in size and popularity. Last year, many photographers from different walks of life and skill level met in different parts of the world through photography and social community.
The concept of a Photo walk is simple. Photo walks are created by Team Leaders , photography groups or clubs in cities all over the world. Every January 1st morning the teams meet up at an announced photo walk location – be it Beach’s, Ridges ,Markets, River sides or any photography friendly area. Spend a few hours chatting with friends, capturing memorable images and knowledge sharing with like-minded people.
In respect to this event, where the Sunrise is the subject, you will have to reach on location atleast 30 minutes before the actual sunrise time and be ready to welcome the New Year Sun with your memorable shots. At the end of the event, most groups meet up at local restaurants or prescribed location to share their images and experiences over breakfast.
Kuwait event details:
Location: Kuwat towers, Fishinf pier, Next to chilis restaurant
Time: 5:30 AM
Call: 55845092 for more info
January 1, 2020 5:00 am - 6:00 am(GMT+03:00)