Overtime calculation for Managers & Workers

April 30, 20163 Comments

Under the Kuwait Labor Law, is management eligible for overtime? I work for a company that does not pay managers overtime and the question has come up several times. So, what does the Labor Law say on the issue?

Name withheld
Answer: The Kuwait Labor Law does not differentiate between different categories of employees, be they average workers or managers. The law also doesn’t say that only the ordinary workers should be given overtime, all it says is that all employees who are required to work beyond the required hours set by the Kuwait Labor Law are entitled to overtime.

This means that every employee, regardless of position, is entitled to overtime payment. Having said that, some companies have their own set of rules, your company is not the only one.

In such companies, the management is excluded from the overtime payment. In spite of this, if you as a manager work overtime you must get overtime payment. You can always approach the Labor Office in your area to file a complaint.

Source : Arabtimes

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  1. Umashankar says:

    Can you explain section or article wise with necessary documented proofs for the basis of calculation of Salary and Over time please.

    Thanks and Regards

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  3. I would like to know what is the punishment under Kuwaiti law for manager of company insulting female worker with disrespectful names and threats to firing?

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