Kuwait ranked 22 among the best countries to be born @theeconomist #kuwait #q8

September 4, 201427 Comments

bestAccording to the @TheEconomist , Kuwait ranked 22 in the world among the best countries to be born.

Kuwait ranked 22 among the best countries to be born @theeconomist #kuwait #q8 was last modified: by

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  1. Why is India even there? What good is it to people who are born in India. Hardly any advantages….

  2. Soon India Will Defeat Any Country. Jai Hind !!

  3. gong2 ka pla eh…pag solo..:D

  4. In that time there is no Israel go man and read the history

  5. Jesus born in plastine not in Israel

  6. Jesus was not even a jew. Quit shitting people.

  7. ya and u guys are trying ur best to wipe it off from the world map too! ha..

  8. ya and u guys are trying ur best to wipe it off from the world map too! ha..

  9. India wont give shit importance to those reports

  10. Jesus Christ was born in Israel…

  11. Peter Lim says:

    Why Syria is on the list?????

  12. if Israel got 20th place then its a F***ng survey…

  13. Alhamdulillah there is name of Bangladesh on 77

  14. why israel 0n 20th. it shouldn't deserve to be on world map

  15. EGYPT only 60th .. i think it worth 59th 😀

  16. Thamks Allah. There is Pakistan in the list inspite of the last one decade situation s.

  17. Mary Grace says:

    Philippines just ranked 63…..omg!

  18. Aslam Khan says:


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